Eco-friendly clothing
Living and creating sustainably has been one of our core values since the beginning. And we are proud to be one of the first Italian underwear and apparel brands to incorporate sustainability into every area of the business.

Want to know what our positive impacts were in 2022?
Our 2022 Sustainability Report is out
2022 was a key year for our environmental, social and inclusive initiatives. Thanks to the use of natural and recycled materials, we were able to continue our green mission by saving resources and reducing waste.

Eco-sustainable raw materials
One of the most important parts of creating a product that is in harmony with nature is choosing sustainable raw materials. In the case of CASAGiN underwear and clothing, these are the fibers used to make our fabrics. We choose only certified eco-friendly fibers, natural or recycled, to ensure compliance with high standards of health, safety, respect for human rights and environmental protection.
Only through the choice of raw materials, in 2022 we were able to save:
3,479 kg
of CO2
17,500,000 l
of water
(calculated compared to traditional cotton)
33,700 sq. m.
of land

Reduction of CO2 emissions - Production at 70 km
All the products in our lines are made in Italy: from the thread to the final product! The laboratories we collaborate with are at a maximum distance of 70 km from our headquarters. This allows us to significantly reduce CO2 emissions compared to companies with production abroad, which must transport raw materials and finished products from one continent to another.

Sustainable forests
The management of the forests used to obtain the fibers we use is sustainable: the trees do not need artificial irrigation to grow and this system also stabilizes the water balance, prevents floods but also water shortages when rains are rare. Every year this system allows us to grow 10 thousand cubic meters of wood more than what is taken. Furthermore, the forests are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) .

Circularity - Recovery and recycling
The fibers we use for the beachwear and sportswear lines come from regenerated and recycled materials: in this case we start from waste to give life to new fibers. Thanks to the support of numerous resources and associations, fishing nets and plastic materials abandoned in the oceans are recovered; through these initiatives, in addition to cleaning the oceans from these materials, numerous animal species are saved that would otherwise be victims of this pollution.

Another big part of living in harmony with nature is creating products that can be easily reintegrated into it. Conventional synthetic fabrics take nearly a hundred years to completely decompose. That is why we have developed our lace collection and some of our sportswear in a special form of polyamide that is completely biodegradable, leaving no toxic chemicals behind. In an anaerobic environment, these fibers biodegrade in just 3-5 years compared to around 70 years for conventional polyamide. CASAGiN natural fibers, such as our beech wood fibers and our organic cotton are also naturally 100% biodegradable. From nature to nature.

Sustainable packaging
Even the packaging is good for the environment! Everything we produce is packaged without using plastic: in fact, we use an innovative completely biodegradable corn starch sachet with TUV Austria certification; a further step forward to contribute to solving the economic and environmental problem of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.
For the shipment of our products we use recyclable cardboard packaging which is carried out by couriers that offset the CO2 emissions emitted.